Posts in My History
How Did I Get Here - Part 3

When you look back at certain events, especially as time passes, different things stand out to you.

I wonder if part of it is your brain trying to make sense of what happened, to find some meaning or depth. But sometimes it just feels like a scratched record skipping and playing the same three notes over and over until you want to scream in frustration and pain.

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How Did I Get Here - Part 1

“Because if I hadn't asked questions the entire pregnancy, why start now?“

Every Monday, I will post a new part to my own personal birth history. This will not be happy most times, but over the years I’ve given myself a lot more grace and love, and I hope the story reflects that. I don’t know right now how many parts this will have, but it’s going to cover almost a decade of how I truly got to where I am. I’m not going to gloss over hard things, and be aware there is talk of cesarean sections, the NICU, repeat miscarriage, infertility, blood, and possibly more that I don’t even realize right now. I may include pictures sometimes as well. This is my life, as best I can tell it, and I hope it gives a little insight into who I am beneath the sarcasm, emo music, and C-3PO level of know-it-all I carry around the world.

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